المراجــع :
أفكار أساسية عن
التاريخ،الاقتصاد، السياسة، الفلسفة، والطبيعة الإنسانية :
Indispensable Thoughts
on History, Economics, Politics, Philosophy, and Human Nature
Murray N. Rothbard:
Economic Determinism and the Conspiracy Theory of History Revisited;
Nash: America's Great
Carroll Quigley: Tragedy
and Hope; Macmillan, 1966
Gabriel Kolko: The
Triumph of Conservatism; Quadrangle
Carroll Quigley: The
Evolution of Civilizations.
Anton S. LaVey: The
Satanic Bible; Avon Books, 1969.
Arkon Daraul: Secret
Societies; Citadel Press, 1962.
Count Egon Caesar Corti:
The Rise of the House of Rothschild; ibid., The Reign of the House of
Rothschild; Cosmopolitan Book Corp., 1928.
Max Stirner: The Ego and
His Own; Libertarian Book Club, 1963.
Robert Ardrey: The
Social Contract; Dell Publishing; 1970.
Friedrich Nietzsche:
Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future; Random House,
George Orwell: Animal
Farm; New American Library
Niccolo Machiavelli: The
Ludwig von Mises: Theory
and History; Arlington House, 1969.
Henry Regnery: Human
Action; 1966.
James J. Martin:
Revisionist Viewpoints; Ralph Myles Publisher, 1971.
Committee on Government
Operations, U.S. Senate: Disclosure of Corporate Ownership; U.S. Government
Printing Office, 1974.
Antony C. Sutton: Wall
Street and the Bolshevik Revolution; ibid., Wall Street and FDR; Arlington
House, 1975.
اليسار حول الطبقة
الحاكمة :
The Left on the Ruling
Gabriel Kolko: The
Triumph of Conservatism; Quadrangle Books, 1967.
Richard Ney: The Wall
Street Gang; Praeger Publishers, 1974.
Ferdinand Lundberg: The
Rich and the Super-Rich; Lyle Stuart, 1968.
Ferdinand Lundberg:
America's 60 Families; Vanguard, 1938.
William G. Domhoff: Who
Rules America?; Prentice Hall, 1967.
W.G. Domhoff: The Higher
Circles; Random House, 1970.
Matthew Josephson: Money
Lords; New American Library, 1973.
M. Josephson: The Robber
Barons; Harcourt Brace & Co., 1934.
George H. Shibley: The
Money Question; Stable Money Publishing Co., 1896.
Jules Archer: The Plot
to Seize the White House; Hawthorn Books, 1973.
William Hoffman: David:
Report on a Rockefeller; Dell Publishing, 1972.
Joel Andreas: The
Incredible Rocky; North American Congress on Latin America, 1973.
Gustavus Myers: The
History of the Great American Fortunes; 1907
اليمين حول نظرية
المؤامرة والتاريخ :
The Right on the
Conspiracy Theory of History
Antony C. Sutton:
National Suicide; Arlington House, 1973.
Charles A. Lindbergh,
Sr.: The Economic Pinch; Dorrance & Company, Inc., 1923, Reprinted by Omni
Louis T. McFadden:
Collective Speeches of Congressman McFadden; Omni Publications, 1970.
H.S. Kenan: The Federal
Reserve Bank; The Noontide Press, 1968.
Gary Allen: None Dare
Call It Conspiracy; Concord Press, 1973.
G. Allen: Richard Nixon:
The Man Behind the Mask; Western Islands, 1971.
G. Allen: The
Rockefeller File; '76 Press, 1976.
Dan Smoot: The Invisible
Government; The Dan Smoot Report, Inc., 1962.
W. Cleon Skousen: The
Naked Capitalist; The Author, 1970.
Taylor Caldwell:
Captains and Kings; Fawcett Publications, 1973.
John Robison: Proofs of
Conspiracy; 1798, Reprinted by Western Islands.
Nesta Webster: Secret
Societies and Subversive Movements; Christian Book Club, 1967.
A. N. Field: The Truth
About the Slump; 1931, Reprinted by Omni Publications, 1962.
William Robert Plumme:
The Untold History; The Committee for the Restoration of the Republic, 1964.
June Grem: Karl Marx: Capitalist; Enterprise
Publications, 1972.
Emanuel Josephson:
Rockefeller Internationalist: Man Who Misrules the World; Chedney Press, 1962.
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